Auto Block Script: Remove Unwanted Search Terms in Shopping

Auto Block Script: Remove Unwanted Search Terms in Shopping 1

Imagine we’re selling remote controls for televisions. Naturally, we want the search terms to include the word “remote.” Without it, users might just be searching for a TV, not a remote control—especially if the search term report shows a lot of phrases containing only TV models. This is exactly where the following Google Ads script comes in handy. As PPC managers, our tasks are: The script will then automatically add any search terms that don’t contain this word as exact match exclusions. Configurations 1) Set up the REQUIRED_KEYWORDS list with the words you want to use. Each word should be in quotes and separated by a comma. You can add as many as you need.2) Enter the name you want for the campaign label in CAMPAIGN_LABEL. This label will be used for the selected campaign(s).3) Schedule the script to run once every morning. Important: This script only changes shopping campaigns. The script credit goes to: Krzysztof Bycina